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Piero Mottola

Florentine Voices

Piero Mottola is an experimental artist and musician, professor of Sound Design and Ornamental Plastic at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome. Director of the LER Laboratorio di Estetica del Rumore, He formed himeself within the Eventualist Theory at the Centro Studi Jartrakor in Rome, where in 1988 he held his first solo exhibition with interactive experiments “Improvement-Degradation” and “Bello-Brutto”. He investigates the subjectivity and free interpretation of the user to visual and sound structures through experiments and measurements. He has been invited by several international universities to give lectures and to carry out master’s degrees on the relationship between noise and emotion. The results of these researches have been published in the book Passeggiate emozionali, dal rumore alla Musica Relazionale (Emotional Walks, from noise to Relational Music), presented in several Italian and international universities and in the cultural transmissions of the Italian rad

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Piero Mottola is an experimental artist and musician, professor of Sound Design and Ornamental Plastic at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome. Director of the LER Laboratorio di Estetica del Rumore, He formed himeself within the Eventualist Theory at the Centro Studi Jartrakor in Rome, where in 1988 he held his first solo exhibition with interactive experiments “Improvement-Degradation” and “Bello-Brutto”. He investigates the subjectivity and free interpretation of the user to visual and sound structures through experiments and measurements. He has been invited by several international universities to give lectures and to carry out master’s degrees on the relationship between noise and emotion. The results of these researches have been published in the book Passeggiate emozionali, dal rumore alla Musica Relazionale (Emotional Walks, from noise to Relational Music), presented in several Italian and international universities and in the cultural transmissions of the Italian radio and television, Rai Uno, Rai Radio Tre and Radio Cultura Argentina. These researches have also been presented in several national and international museums: MAMBA, Museo Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires (2013); Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Rome (2013); MACRO, Museo d’arte contemporanea, Rome (2015, 2017; 2018); Museo Hermann Nitsch-Fondazione Morra, Napoli (2009, 2015, 2019); MAC Museo d’arte contemporanea, Santiago del Cile (2016); Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication (2017); Istituto di Cultura Italiano, Pechino (2017); Museo della Certosa di S. Lucia, Rome (2018); Museo della Certosa di S. Martino, Castel S. Elmo, Naples (2018, 2019); CCK Kirchner Cultural Center, Buenos Aires (2019); Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Buenos Aires (2019).

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Florentine Voices

Piero Mottola

The work, composed by the artist following an investigation into the emotional reactions of the Florentine community, returns a composite and fluctuating emotional portrait of the City.

The “Voices” project is an itinerant, in progress and experimental research aimed at investigating the evocative and musical potential of the voice of ordinary people, in different geographical areas of the planet.

The research, so far carried out at Valencia, Lisbon, Tenerife, Rome, Santiago de Chile, Leipzig, Warsaw, Havana, Buenos Aires, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, now reaches Florence. To the citizens participating in the experiment, convened with a public call, were asked to associate ten emotional parameters (fear, anguish, agitation, anger, sadness, astonishment, excitement, pleasure, joy, calm) with sounds and noises produced exclusively with the voice and the body. The hundreds of sound fragments obtained were catalogued and twisted into compositions created using the Acoustic Autocorrelator,

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The work, composed by the artist following an investigation into the emotional reactions of the Florentine community, returns a composite and fluctuating emotional portrait of the City.

The “Voices” project is an itinerant, in progress and experimental research aimed at investigating the evocative and musical potential of the voice of ordinary people, in different geographical areas of the planet.

The research, so far carried out at Valencia, Lisbon, Tenerife, Rome, Santiago de Chile, Leipzig, Warsaw, Havana, Buenos Aires, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, now reaches Florence. To the citizens participating in the experiment, convened with a public call, were asked to associate ten emotional parameters (fear, anguish, agitation, anger, sadness, astonishment, excitement, pleasure, joy, calm) with sounds and noises produced exclusively with the voice and the body. The hundreds of sound fragments obtained were catalogued and twisted into compositions created using the Acoustic Autocorrelator, a device capable of create random algorithms of emotional-acoustic walks for acoustic environments.

The three cells on the first floor present an excursus of  Mottola’s work which takes us back to the origins of the experiments of the 1980s and the early 1990s about the concept of “Improvement, Worsening” aesthetic and the categories of “Beautiful, Ugly”, in which the artist reflected on measuring the creative process with relational practices through the direct involvement of the public.

The chromatic exuberance of the most recent works, exhibited in the last cell, reveals the research process of the artist, aimed at restore visual scores responding to the search for aesthetic enjoyment expressed by the user, capable of stimulating the construction of an incentive work to arouse different and profound interpretations on the emotional level.


Florentine Voices

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Florentine Voices, Piero Mottola

Florentine voices, continues in Florence the itinerant and in progress experimental research conducted by the artist Piero Mottola aimed at investigating the evocative and musical potential of the voice of ordinary people in different geographical areas of the planet. 

Florentine Voices, Piero Mottola

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Florentine Voices

Piero Mottola

Florentine Voices | Piero Mottola
Florentine Voices

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Concerto integrale Florentine Voices

Piero Mottola e il coro delle Florentine e Chinese Voices

Concerto integrale Florentine Voices, Piero Mottola
Concerto integrale Florentine Voices

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Florentine Voices

a cura di Valentina Gensini

Florentine Voices

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a cura di Valentina Gensini

a cura di Valentina Gensini

The “Voices” project is an itinerant, in progress and experimental research aimed at investigating the evocative and musical potential of the voice of ordinary people, in different geographical areas of the planet.

The research, so far carried out at Valencia, Lisbon, Tenerife, Rome, Santiago de Chile, Leipzig, Warsaw, Havana, Buenos Aires, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, now reaches Florence. To the citizens participating in the experiment, convened with a public call, were asked to associate ten emotional parameters (fear, anguish, agitation, anger, sadness, astonishment, excitement, pleasure, joy, calm) with sounds and noises produced exclusively with the voice and the body. The hundreds of sound fragments obtained were catalogued and twisted into compositions created using the Acoustic Autocorrelator, a device capable of create random algorithms of emotional-acoustic walks for acoustic environments.

With the same sonorities, Piero Mottola composed a composition for choir, 

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The “Voices” project is an itinerant, in progress and experimental research aimed at investigating the evocative and musical potential of the voice of ordinary people, in different geographical areas of the planet.

The research, so far carried out at Valencia, Lisbon, Tenerife, Rome, Santiago de Chile, Leipzig, Warsaw, Havana, Buenos Aires, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, now reaches Florence. To the citizens participating in the experiment, convened with a public call, were asked to associate ten emotional parameters (fear, anguish, agitation, anger, sadness, astonishment, excitement, pleasure, joy, calm) with sounds and noises produced exclusively with the voice and the body. The hundreds of sound fragments obtained were catalogued and twisted into compositions created using the Acoustic Autocorrelator, a device capable of create random algorithms of emotional-acoustic walks for acoustic environments.

With the same sonorities, Piero Mottola composed a composition for choir, “Florentine voices”, directed by the author at the opening of the exhibition thanks to the collaboration of Benedetta Manfriani, the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze and the Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini in Florence.

a cura di Valentina Gensini

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