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Nicolò Degiorgis

Nicolò Degiorgis is an artist and publisher based between Bolzano and Bozen, Italy. His works comprise books, installations, collages, photographs, videos and maps that chart conceptually the territory and the communities where he lives. He teaches visual expression at the Penitential Institute of Bolzano-Bozen and works as artistic director at Rorhof, a publishing house operating in form of a social cooperative.

He graduated from the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice (2008). He was the recipient of a Fabrica scholarship, Benetton’s research and communication center in Treviso (2008-09) and a research fellowship from the Faculty of Political and Social Science at the University of Trieste (2009-10).

He was guest-curator 2017 at Museion, Bolzano-Bozen, and publisher in residence at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunste in Amsterdam (2018).

His works are held in numerous private and public collections and have been exhibited international

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Nicolò Degiorgis is an artist and publisher based between Bolzano and Bozen, Italy. His works comprise books, installations, collages, photographs, videos and maps that chart conceptually the territory and the communities where he lives. He teaches visual expression at the Penitential Institute of Bolzano-Bozen and works as artistic director at Rorhof, a publishing house operating in form of a social cooperative.

He graduated from the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice (2008). He was the recipient of a Fabrica scholarship, Benetton’s research and communication center in Treviso (2008-09) and a research fellowship from the Faculty of Political and Social Science at the University of Trieste (2009-10).

He was guest-curator 2017 at Museion, Bolzano-Bozen, and publisher in residence at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunste in Amsterdam (2018).

His works are held in numerous private and public collections and have been exhibited internationally including at Maxxi and Macro in Rome, Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin, Mambo in Bologna and Museion in Bolzano/Bozen.

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102 meters

by Nicolò Degiorgis, curated by Valentina Gensini

Following the invitation by GAP Project and MAD Murate Art District, artist and publisher Nicolò Degiorgis, whose work focuses on prisons and detention, exhibits for the first time the photographic material published in the book “Prison Museum” (Ed. Rorhof). The volume traces a visual dialogue between the spaces of the Bolzano prison and Museion, the city’s museum of modern and contemporary art. The artistic project stems from Nicolò Degiorgis’ experience as a teacher at the Bolzano Penitentiary Institute and as a guest curator at Museion. Located only 102 meters apart and similar in size, the two structures conceal deep contradictions between similarities and differences.

In 102 meters, a distance the artist found also in Florence between Panopticon and MAD, photography becomes an instrument of inquiry between the two institutions and the communities that inhabit them, drawing an imaginary line connecting the two buildings. Photos and texts, produced by inmat

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Following the invitation by GAP Project and MAD Murate Art District, artist and publisher Nicolò Degiorgis, whose work focuses on prisons and detention, exhibits for the first time the photographic material published in the book “Prison Museum” (Ed. Rorhof). The volume traces a visual dialogue between the spaces of the Bolzano prison and Museion, the city’s museum of modern and contemporary art. The artistic project stems from Nicolò Degiorgis’ experience as a teacher at the Bolzano Penitentiary Institute and as a guest curator at Museion. Located only 102 meters apart and similar in size, the two structures conceal deep contradictions between similarities and differences.

In 102 meters, a distance the artist found also in Florence between Panopticon and MAD, photography becomes an instrument of inquiry between the two institutions and the communities that inhabit them, drawing an imaginary line connecting the two buildings. Photos and texts, produced by inmates during classes held inside the Bolzano prison, show and testify the actual carceral situation. The installations created by the artist engage a reflection on the vital limits of detention. Within the framework of the European project GAP – Graffiti Art in Prison, in collaboration with Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, MAD Murate Art District presents the artistic residency of Nicolò Degiorgis and the exhibition project he conceived for Florence. GAP – Graffiti Art in Prison is a three-year project launched in 2020, funded by Erasmus+ (Strategic Partnership for Higher Education) and carried out by the international partnership between the University of Palermo, the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, the Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza and ABADIR – Academy of Design and Visual Communication of Catania. The goal is to develop, starting from the graffiti in the ancient prisons of the Steri in Palermo, a cognitive process between art history and architecture. In addition, the project has the ambition to experiment new processes of social inclusion in detention institutions through the languages of contemporary art.

The exhibition will open on Wednesday, March 29 at 6:00 pm at MAD Murate Art District and will run from March 29 to April 30, 2023, in the Laura Orvieto room of MAD and in the Panopticon of the Murate.


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055 2476873

102 meters

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