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Ignas Krunglevičius

Composer and visual artist

Ignas Krunglevičius works as a composer and visual artist. He creates sound and image installations, videos, and objects that explore the psychology of power games and the working of the human psyche.

The sound in this work revisits Good Boy Bad Boy (1985), a work by the US artist Bruce Nauman, from the present viewpoint. The actors who performed Nauman’s work have been replaced by the latest voice synthesis technology, which can simulate emotional inflection, while the script has been altered to reflect the language of social media self-presentation.

Ignas Krunglevičius works as a composer and visual artist. He creates sound and image installations, videos, and objects that explore the psychology of power games and the working of the human psyche.

The sound in this work revisits Good Boy Bad Boy (1985), a work by the US artist Bruce Nauman, from the present viewpoint. The actors who performed Nauman’s work have been replaced by the latest voice synthesis technology, which can simulate emotional inflection, while the script has been altered to reflect the language of social media self-presentation.

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A certain identity

Ciclo Global Identities

Arnas Anskaitis, Ignas Krunglevičius, Andrej Polukord, Ieva Rojūtė curated by Matteo Innocenti in collaboration with Adrius Pocius, Alesia and Yuliya Savitskaya As Second episode of The GLOBAL IDENTITIES cicle, A certain identity is a project that brings together artists of different nationalities to express themselves about identity issues. The first exhibition of the project, presents the young Lithuanian artists Arnas Anskaitis, Ignas Krunglevičius, Andrej Polukord, Ieva Rojūtė. The certain , as an integral part of the title, in Italian “certa”, takes on a double meaning: as an adjective it is synonymous with certainty, the identity which we can undoubtedly recognize, as an alternative it is also an indefinite adjective, without quality or quantity, indicating an identity that is possible among many others. Four artists of a particular nationality are chosen by the curator of the project in collaboration with the museums or the Fine Arts Academy of the respective c

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Arnas Anskaitis, Ignas Krunglevičius, Andrej Polukord, Ieva Rojūtė curated by Matteo Innocenti in collaboration with Adrius Pocius, Alesia and Yuliya Savitskaya As Second episode of The GLOBAL IDENTITIES cicle, A certain identity is a project that brings together artists of different nationalities to express themselves about identity issues. The first exhibition of the project, presents the young Lithuanian artists Arnas Anskaitis, Ignas Krunglevičius, Andrej Polukord, Ieva Rojūtė. The certain , as an integral part of the title, in Italian “certa”, takes on a double meaning: as an adjective it is synonymous with certainty, the identity which we can undoubtedly recognize, as an alternative it is also an indefinite adjective, without quality or quantity, indicating an identity that is possible among many others. Four artists of a particular nationality are chosen by the curator of the project in collaboration with the museums or the Fine Arts Academy of the respective countries to “represent”, according to the particular inclination of their research and culture of origin, the factor of identity through such exhibition. The history and geographic location of Lithuania makes it significant both for the question of identity and for that of the borders and relations within the continent. Since the Republic of Lithuania, like the other Baltic countries, has built itself in a dual movement of independence and annexation, between Russia and Europe – where is been a member since 2004 -. 2018 also marks the centenary of the nation’s independence, which took place in February 1918 and The constitution of the Republic. Vernissage e artists talk: 5 aprile ore 17.30. With the collaboration of Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea – Mus.e and with TUM associazione culturale (Italia/Italy), Fondazione per lo sviluppo della cultura dell’istruzione della persona (Bielorussia/Belarus), Vilnius Pataphysic Institute (Lituania/Lithuania). Con il patrocinio dell’Ambasciata della Repubblica di Lituana nella Repubblica Italiana e del Consolato della Repubblica Lituana di Firenze.

A certain identity

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A certain identity

Ciclo Global Identities

A certain identity

This content is avaiable only in this archive.