14:30 - 19:30
  • LUN: Chiuso
  • MAR: 14:30 - 19:30
  • MER: 14:30 - 19:30
  • GIO: 14:30 - 19:30
  • VEN: 14:30 - 19:30
  • SAB: 14:30 - 19:30
  • DOM: Chiuso
Chiusi per le festività

Gaupenraub, un () altra architettura

Gaupenraub dimostra come sia possibile trattare in modo diverso anche tematiche legate all’architettura e al mondo del lavoro. Questo implica la co-progettazione di contenuti programmatici, il contatto con il luogo, con i clienti e gli utenti, l’economia circolare, le questioni sociali e molto altro ancora.

Lo studio austriaco vuole mostrare approcci alternativi, mettere in discussione l’attuale figura professionale degli architetti e sostenere un’architettura di impegno comune.

La riqualificazione, il riutilizzo, l’upcyling sono temi che attualmente occupano tutti gli architetti. L’impiego sostenibile delle nostre risorse è diventato necessario per garantire a tutti noi un futuro degno di essere vissuto. Questi temi sono parte integrante della professione esercitata da Gaupenraub da più di 20 anni, poiché molti dei loro clienti essendo senza fissa dimora non hanno a disposizione nessuna risorsa.

Nel corso della conferenza Gaupenraub mostra attraverso tre diversi progetti possibili strategie per creare alloggi a prezzi accessibili, socialmente accettabili e a basso consumo di risorse. Originariamente progettati per persone socialmente svantaggiate, molti degli insegnamenti appresi si stanno rivelando innovativi per progettazioni future.

Presentazione a cura di Ulrike Schartner.

Info: gaupenraub+/-

Architect Mag.ª arch. Alexander Hagner, born 1963

College for Interior Design and Furniture Construction, subsequently studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, master class Prof. Johannes Spalt and master class Prof. Wolf D. Prix (Coop Himmelb(l)au) and at the KTH/ Stockholm; Partner in architectural offices in Vienna and Stockholm; Member of Swedish Architects, Member of the Chamber of Civil Technicians, Architects and Engineers Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland; 2022 member of their section board

1995... -2004: Employed in architectural offices, Vienna and Stockholm 1999: Foundation of gaupenraub +/- together with Alexander Hagner 2000: teaching at the KTH Stockholm since 2004: self-employed in Stockholm and Vienna 2005: foundation of omniplan AB together with Pelle Norberg and Staffan Schartner since 2005: lectures, AIP, NDU St.Pölten, etc. 2017: Lectureship at the TU Graz at the Institute for Interior Design 2015, 2020, 2021: Lectureship at the TU Vienna at the Institute for Structural Engineering 2

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Mag. arch. Ulrike Schartner, born 1966

College for Interior Design and Furniture Construction, subsequently studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, master class Prof. Johannes Spalt and master class Prof. Wolf D. Prix (Coop Himmelb(l)au) and at the KTH/ Stockholm; Partner in architectural offices in Vienna and Stockholm; Member of Swedish Architects, Member of the Chamber of Civil Technicians, Architects and Engineers Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland; 2022 member of their section board.

1995... -2004: Employed in architectural offices, Vienna and Stockholm 1999: Foundation of gaupenraub +/- together with Alexander Hagner 2000: teaching at the KTH Stockholm since 2004: self-employed in Stockholm and Vienna 2005: foundation of omniplan AB together with Pelle Norberg and Staffan Schartner since 2005: lectures, AIP, NDU St.Pölten, etc. 2017: Lectureship at the TU Graz at the Institute for Interior Design 2015, 2020, 2021: Lectureship at the TU Vienna at the Institute for Structural Engineering 2

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Gaupenraub +/-

2002: Founding member of ig-architektur

2015: Member of the Central Association of Architects of Austria awarded inter alia with:

Bauherrenpreis 2015 & 2021, Preis der Stadt Wien 2021, Kulturpreis Niederösterreich 2022